December 10, 2004: Osteoporosis cover art completed for The Journal of Family Practice January 2005 issue. Jennifer Fairman, CMI of Fairman Studios, LLC has been collaborating with Bob Demarest (FAMI) to illustrate the feature topic, Osteoporosis, to be published in the January 2005 issue of The Journal of Family Practice, a publication produced by Dowden Health Media. The Journal of Family Practice covers the world of primary care, employing the highest scientific standards while retaining a uniquely human perspective. The journal’s quality is demonstrated by the fact that The National Library of Medicine awarded it the highest Journal Impact Factor of any publication devoted solely to family practice. With peer-reviewed original research and unique features such as POEMs (Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters), The Journal of Family Practice is a premier source of clinical information for Family Practitioners. |
December 9, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Fairman Studios will be creating several illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Standard Surgical Protocol to Treat Elbow Dislocations with Radial Head and Coronoid Fractures
Investigation performed at Upper Extremity Reconstructive Service, St. Michael’s Hospital, and University of Western Ontario, Hand and Upper Limb Centre, London, Ontario, Canada
Background: The results of elbow dislocations with associated radial head and coronoid fractures are often poor be-cause of recurrent instability and stiffness from prolonged immobilization. We managed these injuries with a standard surgical protocol, postulating that early intervention, stable fixation, and repair would provide sufficient stability to al-low motion at seven to ten days postoperatively and enhance functional outcome. |
December 3, 2004: Illustrations completed for OBG Management January 2005 issue. Jennifer Fairman, CMI of Fairman Studios, LLC has been collaborating with Bob Demarest (FAMI) to illustrate anatomical illustrations to be published in the January 2005 issue of OBG Management, a publication produced by Dowden Health Media. By integrating practice management with patient care, OBG Management addresses the full scope of obstetrics and gynecology practice. With a wide range of clinical features and departments such as Medical Verdicts, Surgical Techniques, and Reimbursement Adviser, OBG Management provides comprehensive real-world coverage of the major issues affecting Ob/Gyns today. |
December 2, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Fairman Studios will be creating several illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with a Four-Strand Hamstring Tendon Autograft
Investigation performed at the Sports Medicine and Shoulder Service, The Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY
Background: In this study, we analyzed the clinical outcomes at a minimum of two years following reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament with use of a four-strand hamstring tendon autograft in patients who had presented with a symptomatic torn anterior cruciate ligament. |
November 22: Happy Anniversary, Fairman Studios!

November 22, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Fairman Studios will be creating several illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Use of an Intramedullary Rod for Treatment of Congenital Pseudarthrosis of the Tibia
Investigation performed at St. Louis Shriners Hospital for Children, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, and Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri
Background: The treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia remains difficult and controversial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term results of a technique consisting of excision of the pseudarthrosis, autol-ogous bone-grafting, and insertion of a Williams intramedullary rod into the tibia. |
November 21, 2004: Patient Education Page being developed for Headache, the Journal of the American Headache Society Fairman Studios, LLC will be collaborating with American Council for Headache Education (ACHE) of the American Headache Society (AHS) to design, produce and illustrate a new patient education page for Headache. The March 2005 issue will cover “Drug Interactions”. The AHS is a professional society of health care providers dedicated to the study and treatment of headache. The Society comprises over 2,500 health care professionals with backgrounds as diverse as the hospitals, universities, clinics and practices they represent from around the world. ACHE is a nonprofit patient-health professional partnership dedicated to advancing the treatment and management of headache and to raising the public awareness of headache as a valid, biologically based illness. |
November 16, 2004: Illustrations for Novartis Science Magazine – Winter 2004 Issue. Fairman Studios is currently producing a number of designs and illustrations for Novartis Science Magazine. Novartis is a world leader in the research and development of products to protect and improve health and well-being. Novartis core businesses are in pharmaceuticals, consumer health, generics, eye-care, and animal health. |
November 14, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for COUNTDOWN magazine Fairman Studios will be creating an illustration for an article entitled Sourcing Out Beta-Cell Function for the Winter 2004 issue of COUNTDOWN Magazine. The recent success of islet transplantation has highlighted the need for new sources of insulin-producing cells. Researchers are feverishly studying the genetics, development, functioning, and replication of beta cells in order to some day “source out” their function: This could mean, for example, coaxing primitive cells called stem cells to differentiate into beta cells, somehow genetically altering other cells to do the work of beta cells, or finding ways to make existing beta cells replicate. COUNTDOWN is the award-winning magazine published quarterly by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF). COUNTDOWN offers in-depth analysis about cutting-edge research and new treatments, and also features poignant stories from some of the more than 1 million people who have type 1 (juvenile) diabetes and their families.
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November 10, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Fairman Studios will be creating several illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Debridement Arthroplasty for Primary Osteoarthritis of the Elbow
Investigation performed at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sapporo Medical University, Sapporo, Japan Background: Formal and more aggressive débridement procedures have been described for the treatment of ad-vanced primary osteoarthritis of the elbow. However, the literature contains little information on the results of long-term follow-up. The purpose of this study was to evaluate outcomes at an average of ten years after débridement arthroplasties performed through a posteromedial approach. |
November 9, 2004: Illustration to be published in Nature for the Glue Grant Project Fairman Studios is currently creating new illustrations for the for the Burn Research Center project, a research program supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), a component of the National Institutes of Health. The Burn Research Center at the Massachusetts General Hospital serves as the focal point within Massachusetts General Hospital for research on burn injury. As the first-in-the-nation P50 award (GM-21700) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, the MGH Center has sought to advance our understanding of post-burn injury alterations of metabolic patterns and nutritional requirements from immediately after injury through recovery. |
November 8, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Fairman Studios will be creating illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: CURRENT CONCEPTS REVIEW: POSTERIOR SHOULDER INSTABILITY (PARTS I AND II)
Dr. Christopher Michael Robinson, FRCS Ed (Orth), The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Posterior shoulder instability comprises a spectrum of disorders, which include first-time traumatic dislocation (complete dissociation of the humeral head from the 3 glenoid), and recurrent dislocation or subluxation (symptomatic, excessive translation of the humeral head on the glenoid). These conditions are uncommon, but more challenging to treat than their anterior counterparts and few surgeons will encounter them in their clinical practice with sufficient frequency to be confident in their assessment and treatment. As a consequence, delays in diagnosis, errors in treatment and protracted morbidity frequently occur. Their rarity makes evidence-based management strategies difficult to produce, and substantive proof of the benefits of newer treatment methods is hard to demonstrate. In this two-part review, we provide an overview of the current opinion regarding the diagnosis, classification, assessment and treatment of these complex disorders in the adult. |
November 5, 2004: Life Science Institute of University of Michigan illustrations of Autophagy and cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting published in Science Magazine. Autophagy in Health and Disease: A Double-Edged Sword Takahiro Shintani and Daniel J. Klionsky Science 5 November 2004: 990-995: One of the hallmarks of eukaryotic cells is the presence of a variety of organelles that allow the separation of various reactions into discrete subcellular compartments. It is critical that the proper proteins be efficiently sorted to each of these organelles so that they can carry out their correct function. The importance of protein targeting is underscored by the fact that many genetic diseases are associated with the absence of particular proteins from specific organelles. The yeast vacuole (figure 1) plays a central role in cellular physiology. |
November 5, 2004: Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Compression for The Journal of Family Practice December 2004 issue. Jennifer Fairman, CMI of Fairman Studios, LLC has been collaborating with Bob Demarest (FAMI) to illustrate the feature topic, Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Compression Due to Pulmonary Artery Dilation, to be published in the December 2004 issue of The Journal of Family Practice, a publication produced by Dowden Health Media. The Journal of Family Practice covers the world of primary care, employing the highest scientific standards while retaining a uniquely human perspective. The journal’s quality is demonstrated by the fact that The National Library of Medicine awarded it the highest Journal Impact Factor of any publication devoted solely to family practice. With peer-reviewed original research and unique features such as POEMs (Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters), The Journal of Family Practice is a premier source of clinical information for Family Practitioners. |
November 2, 2004: Kyphoplasty illustrations make the Globe Illustrations from Fairman Studios depicting several types of vertebral bone fractures using the Kyphon Balloon stent have been published in an article for the Globe. Kyphon develops innovative medical devices using proprietary balloon technology for orthopedic applications. The KyphX Inflatable Bone Tamp (IBT) is designed to assist in the management of fractures involving crushed or collapsed bone through fracture reduction and creation of a cavity in cancellous bone. |
November, 2004: Fairman Studios RNAi illustration published in Nature, Volume 432, pp. 173-178 November 2004, Alnylam scientists published a significant article in the journal Nature that demonstrated the first systemically delivered RNAi-mediated gene silencing in vivo that potentially can be applied to RNAi systemic therapeutics for human disease.
Click to view the illustration.
In the published research, Alnylam scientists demonstrated in vivo silencing of the gene for apolipoprotein B (apoB), a protein involved in cholesterol metabolism, and the consequent reduction in blood cholesterol levels. This specially engineered siRNA was able to reach and enter appropriate cells by incorporating proprietary chemical modifications that provided “drug-like” properties. Intravenous injection of the modified siRNA into mice resulted in silencing of apoB messenger RNA (mRNA) in liver and intestine, and reduced blood levels of both apoB protein and total cholesterol. |
October 29, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates images for Indiana University’s Center for Genomics & Bioinformatics Fairman Studios has been commisioned to produce scientific illustrations for Indiana University’s Center for Genomics & Bioinformatics’ High Performance Computing Project. This project addresses genetic relationships and various biochemical pathways. CBG develops and implements tools and services for efficient access and management of biology databases and data sets; analyzes and interprets of biosequences, genomes and related data; and develops new algorithms and statistics for large biodata sets. |
October 26, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates RNAi biotechnology for Alnylam Technologies’ press releases. With Alnylam’s unique access to the critical intellectual property in the growing field of RNA interference therapeutics, Fairman Studios has produced artwork that will be used in future press releases on Alnylam’s development of RNAi biotechnology. Recent press coverage includes the May 2003 issue of Fortune and February 2003 issue of Forbes and November 2004 issue of Nature, Vol 432(173-178). |
October 25, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Orthopeadic Surgery Textbook Lippincott Williams & Wilkins is a unit of Wolters Kluwer Health, a group of leading information companies offering specialized publications and software for physicians, nurses, students and specialized clinicians. Products include drug guides, medical journals, nursing journals, medical textbooks and medical pda software. Fairman studios has recently been commisioned to create orthopaedic illustrations for shoulder surgery for one of LWW’s newest surgical textbooks. |
October 20, 2004: Synta Pharma Synta Pharmaceuticals is an emerging pharmaceutical company focused on discovering, developing, and commercializing products for extending and enhancing the lives of patients with severe medical conditions. Fairman Studios is currently developing illustrations for Synta Pharma to explain some of their research concepts. |
October 18, 2004: Thermogenic Imaging Inc. gets a new look and a new name: Seahorse Bioscience Thermogenic Imaging, now Seahorse Bioscience, recently had their new logo and website designed by Fairman Studios. This rejuevinated biotechnology company manufactures ultra-sensitive systems to measure unique thermal signatures in cells and animals that are indicative of disease, genetic variations or drug function. Thermal Signature Analysis (TSA) is a real-time measurement of cellular thermogenesis as it pertains to metabolic activity, toxic reactions and other biological processes that produce minute changes in heat. This novel technology provides a non-invasive, easy-to-use, surrogate assay to study the potency, efficacy, kinetics and toxicity of drug action in cells, organs and animals. |
October 15, 2004: Icon Custom Communications commisions Fairman Studios for educational illustrations for clincal signs of cancer Icon Custom Communications has recently asked Fairman Studios to illustrate patient education illustrations of skin dimpling, a clinical sign of cancer. Icon Custom Communications specializes in taking complex medical information, identifying the core message, and creating visual programs that educate target audiences. ICC is also the home of the Netter Collection and the publication, Clinical Symposia. |
October 14, 2004: Patient Education Page being developed for Headache, the Journal of the American Headache Society Fairman Studios, LLC will be collaborating with American Council for Headache Education (ACHE) of the American Headache Society (AHS) to design, produce and illustrate a new patient education page for Headache. The February 2005 issue will cover “Medicating Headaches”. The AHS is a professional society of health care providers dedicated to the study and treatment of headache. The Society comprises over 2,500 health care professionals with backgrounds as diverse as the hospitals, universities, clinics and practices they represent from around the world. ACHE is a nonprofit patient-health professional partnership dedicated to advancing the treatment and management of headache and to raising the public awareness of headache as a valid, biologically based illness. |
October 13, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Fairman Studios will be creating an illustrations for several articles appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Surgical Management of Knee Dislocations
Investigation performed at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Background: The evaluation and management of knee dislocations remain variable and controversial. The purpose of this study was to describe our method of surgical treatment of knee dislocations with use of a standardized proto-col and to report the clinical results. |
October 12, 2004: Lahey Clinic Magazine Illustration scheduled Fairman Studios has been called upon to produce a patient education illustration for treatment advances for gall stones. The illustration will depict the gall bladder and the branches of it’s ductal system, along with its relationship to the liver. |
October 6, 2004: Illustrations for a Kyphon Curette Technique requested. Fairman Studios has been asked to paint several types of cavity creation using a curette technique for vertebroplasty. Kyphon develops innovative medical devices using proprietary balloon technology for orthopedic applications. The Kyphon Curette technique addresses the need to access the vertebral body transpedicularly and bilaterally. It is indicated for vertebral body compression fractures and features a disposable approach set and a reusable curette set. With these instruments, a cavity can be created that allows for a low-pressure delivery of filler material, reducing the risk of cement and marrow extravasation. |
September 30, 2004: Bariatric surgery cover artwork requested for The Journal of Family Practice November 2004 issue. Jennifer Fairman, CMI of Fairman Studios, LLC has been collaborating with Bob Demarest (FAMI) to illustrate the feature topic, Bariatric Surgery, to be published in the September 2004 issue of The Journal of Family Practice, a publication produced by Dowden Health Media. The Journal of Family Practice covers the world of primary care, employing the highest scientific standards while retaining a uniquely human perspective. The journal’s quality is demonstrated by the fact that The National Library of Medicine awarded it the highest Journal Impact Factor of any publication devoted solely to family practice. With peer-reviewed original research and unique features such as POEMs (Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters), The Journal of Family Practice is a premier source of clinical information for Family Practitioners. |

September 27, 2004: Veterinary Learning Systems requests canine and feline anatomical illustrationsVeterinary Learning Systems are publishers of veterinary journals as well as other projects related to veterinary medicine. Recently, Veterinary Learning Systems requested anatomical illustrations of the canine digestive tract and the feline circulatory system for a newly updated systemic chart for veterinarians. VLS is a part of MediMedia, one of the world’s leading providers of healthcare communication, educational materials and services, which is an independent international company with a reputation for the quality and innovation of its products, and the strength of its truly global representation. |
September 26, 2004: Karl Storz Endoscopy-America sinus illustrationsFairman Studios has created a series of illustrations for a new KSEA Silverbook covering the use of endoscopes in the nasal passages. Several anatomical reference illustrations are being developed for this publication |
September 23, 2004: Intercytex requests illustrations for TrichoCyte MonographTrichoCyte involves the culture and expansion of follicular cells which are injected into the scalp underneath the epidermis of the skin to induce formation of new hair follicles in-situ. The procedure is considerably less problematic than conventional hair transplants, both in terms of the amount of tissue taken from the patient, and also in the amount of trauma – injecting cultured cells will cause far less tissue damage than implanting a section of scalp and is a considerably simpler process. |
September 23, 2004: Breast suturing illustrations requested for the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital Breast Reduction, or reduction mammaplasty, removes fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts, making them smaller, lighter, and firmer and lifted. It can also reduce the size of the areola, the darker skin surrounding the nipple. The goal is to give the woman smaller, better-shaped breasts in proportion with the rest of her body. Fairman Studios has been asked to create llustrations of a special suturing technique used to create a cone-shape of the remaining breast tissue in this procedure. These illustrations will be used for a journal article covering this subject. |
September 22, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Fairman Studios will be creating an illustrations for several articles appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Selective Neurotization of the Median Nerve in the Arm to Treat Brachial Plexus Palsy
Investigation performed at the Department of Hand Surgery, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, and the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
Background: The current method for treatment of median nerve palsy after a brachial plexus injury is unpredictable. On the basis of an anatomic study of the median nerve in the arm, we present a new method of selective neurotiza-tion of the median nerve. |
September 17, 2004: UrologyHealth.org Wins Silver AwardThe Consumer Health Publishers Association and Online Health Association have awarded UrologyHealth.org a Silver Award for Best Online Health Information. The Spring 2004 World Wide Web Health Awards recognizes the best health information Web sites for consumers and professionals. The winning entry was among more than 300 entries judged by a panel of health information experts. The awards program is coordinated by the Health Information Resource Center, a national clearinghouse for consumer health information programs and materials. The Center, which houses a large collection of public and private sector health resources, promotes the distribution of accurate, timely consumer health information materials to professionals and managers in the field. Click here to see a complete list of winners. |
September 16, 2004: Karl Storz Endoscopy-America Endoforehead lift book chapterFairman Studios has created a series of illustrations for a surgical textbook chapter covering endoscopic forehead lift procedures. This chapter will cover Endoforehead Lifts for several approaches of this procedure. |
September 10, 2003: Fairman Studios develops illustrations for Surface Logix Surface Logix is a drug development company that creates new therapeutics by significantly improving the pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) properties of approved drugs and late stage compounds. Surface Logix uses its proprietary small molecule Pharmacomer™ Technology to chemically modify drugs and late stage compounds to create New Chemical Entities (NCEs) with improved bioavailability and tissue distribution profiles. |
September 9, 2004: Journal cover from May issue of Women’s Health in Clinical Practice to be republished in WHGE.WHGE (Gynecology Edition) September-October 2004: the feature article “The Wheezing Patient: Avoiding Missteps in Diagnosis and Management: The importance of looking beyond asthma,” will be accompanied by original cover art, produced by Fairman Studios. A collage of non-asthmatic causes of wheezing will be republished: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (characterized by bronchitis and emphysema), foreign body, benign or malignant neoplasm, and bronchiectasis (though uncommon in the United States), are some causes of airway obstruction that may be misdiagnosed as asthma. Although these conditions do not typically appear together in the same set of lungs, each alone should be ruled out as causal when a patient presents with wheeze. A collage of different causes of wheezing within one set of lungs will be depicted. |
September 7, 2004: Jespersen and Associates – GU IllustrationsFairman Studios is currently creating genitourinary anatomical illustrations for a monograph produced by Jespersen and Associates for ACMI. ACMI Corporation, the largest producer of medical endoscopes and video systems, has supplied the medical community with the finest medical instruments available for minimally invasive surgery. |
September 2, 2004: Cardiology Illustration requested for Cardiovascular Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital A second illustration depicting research in virology and tachycardia has been created for a project that was completed earlier this year. According to research being conducted at the Cardiovascular Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, gene therapy in heart failure has the biggest potential in the aging population where the disease is rampant. CRC research has shown that by correcting the calcium handling abnormalities in aging hearts, diastolic function is improved in these hearts. However, studies found that adenoviral gene transfer is less effective in aging cardiac cells than in younger cells. The CRC is examining the molecular mechanisms responsible for this decrease in infectivity. |
September 1, 2004: Patient Education Page being developed for Headache, the Journal of the American Headache Society Fairman Studios, LLC will be collaborating with American Council for Headache Education (ACHE) of the American Headache Society (AHS) to design, produce and illustrate a new patient education page for Headache. The January 2005 issue will cover “Mentrual Related Migraine”. The AHS is a professional society of health care providers dedicated to the study and treatment of headache. The Society comprises over 2,500 health care professionals with backgrounds as diverse as the hospitals, universities, clinics and practices they represent from around the world. ACHE is a nonprofit patient-health professional partnership dedicated to advancing the treatment and management of headache and to raising the public awareness of headache as a valid, biologically based illness. |
August 31, 2004: Illustration requested for Contemporary Surgery October 2004 Issue Jennifer Fairman, CMI of Fairman Studios, LLC has been collaborating with Bob Demarest (FAMI) to illustrate the feature topic, Continuing insights into CABG-related SIRS , to be published in the October 2004 issue of Contemporary Surgery, a publication produced by Dowden Health Media. |
August 26, 2003: Fairman Studios illustrates images for Indiana University’s Center for Genomics & Bioinformatics Fairman Studios has been commisioned to produce scientific illustrations for Indiana University’s Center for Genomics & Bioinformatics’ High Performance Computing Project. This project addresses phylogenetic relationhsips of arthropods and annelids. CBG develops and implements tools and services for efficient access and management of biology databases and data sets; analyzes and interprets of biosequences, genomes and related data; and develops new algorithms and statistics for large biodata sets. |
August 16, 2004: Illustrations for a second Kyphon white paper requested. Fairman Studios has been asked to paint several types of vertebral bone fractures for a second Kyphon Balloon stent technology white paper. Kyphon develops innovative medical devices using proprietary balloon technology for orthopedic applications. The KyphX Inflatable Bone Tamp (IBT) is designed to assist in the management of fractures involving crushed or collapsed bone through fracture reduction and creation of a cavity in cancellous bone. |
August 14, 2003: Cafe on the Common identity created Fairman Studios has been creating designs for a new cafe opening downstairs from our studio in our building. The new Cafe on the Common, opening across the street from the Waltham town commons, will serve gourmet coffees, teas and french pastries. |
August 8-13, 2004: Drug Discovery Technology Conference to be held in Boston, MA In just one week, Drug Discovery Technology 2004 will welcome more than 6,000 attendees to Boston. Fairman Studios will be visiting this important industry event.
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August 3, 2004: Percardia commisions new “hinged-stent” illustrations. Fairman Studios is illustrating new surgical considerations in “hinged-stent placement to be used by Percardia researchers. Percardia is a medical device company dedicated to development and commercialization of proprietary devices for treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD). The company’s current core technology establishes blood flow from the left ventricle of the heart to the coronary vasculature. The company’s technology is intended to provide improvement or relief of angina pectoris, which often results from pre-existing ischemic conditions typically caused by a partial or total blockage of the vessel that significantly restricts the flow of oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. With new coronary vessel illustrations, researchers will be able to visually document clinical trials. |
August 1, 2004: Pulmonary Hypertension illustration created for Harvard Heart Letter september IssueHarvard Health Publications has requested an illustration depiciting pulmonary hypertension issue of Harvard’s Heart Letter. |
July 31, 2004: Diabetic Retinopathy cover artwork requested for The Journal of Family Practice September 2004 issue Jennifer Fairman, CMI of Fairman Studios, LLC has been collaborating with Bob Demarest (FAMI) to illustrate the feature topic, Diabetic Retinopathy, to be published in the September 2004 issue of The Journal of Family Practice, a publication produced by Dowden Health Media. The Journal of Family Practice covers the world of primary care, employing the highest scientific standards while retaining a uniquely human perspective. The journal’s quality is demonstrated by the fact that The National Library of Medicine awarded it the highest Journal Impact Factor of any publication devoted solely to family practice. With peer-reviewed original research and unique features such as POEMs (Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters), The Journal of Family Practice is a premier source of clinical information for Family Practitioners. |
July 29, 2004: “First Timer’s Workshop” – Cleveland AMI MeetingThe Association of Medical Illustrators Annual Meeting will be held in Cleveland, Ohio this year. Jennifer Fairman and Megan Bluhm will be giving the First Timer’s Workshop. This workshop is intended for students, new AMI members/non-members, and all other individuals who are attending the AMI Annual Meeting for their first time. The session will introduce newcomers to each other and the AMI – the Annual meeting, AMI Headquarters, and much, much more… see more detailsVesalius Scholars – Plenary Session
When: Saturday, July 31, 2004, 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Be sure to stop by the Vesalius Scholars Session – Every year the Vesalius Trust hosts a concurrent session where a selection of scholarship recipients agree to participate and present their thesis and research at the AMI Annual meeting. Between 3-4 speakers present and each presentation lasts approximately 15 minutes each. Attendees are given the opportunity to also ask questions of the presenters.
Techniques Showcase – Penguin and Puffin Coast: Illustrations from the Saint Louis Zoo
When: Saturday, July 31, 2004, 2:30pm – 4:00pm
Jennifer has also recently been asked to present her artwork from Penguin and Puffin Coast, featuring Illustrations from the Saint Louis Zoo. She will be performing a laptop demo during the Saturday afternoon showcase. This demo will cover sketching birds by hand, then scanning, rendering and designing the illustrations using a computer. She will show sample sketches and finished paintings.
Additionally, Jennifer will be on hand to answer questions about FileMaker Pro or QuickBooks Pro. Attendees will be able to interact at the showcase and be given the chance to try using the databases and software being demonstrated. Handouts for these demonstartions are below:
Download: Penguins and Puffins (coming soon) (pdf)
Download a QuickBooks Pro Handout (pdf)
Download a FileMaker Pro Handout (pdf)
Be sure to stop by and spend one-on-one time with her working style, and ask questions! see more details
July 23, 2004: New website plans underway for American Urological Association’s William P. Didusch Center for Urologic History A new facility, a new museum space, and now a new interactive website: Presently located at the newly built headquarters of the American Urological Association in Linthicum, MD is the William P. Didusch Center for Urologic History of this Center is named in honor of William P. Didusch. Didusch was a scion of a family of artists in Baltimore and one of the first pupils of the renowned Max BroÎdel, Director of the Department of Art as Applied to Medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. This was the first full-fledged department of medical art established by a medical institution. The Center encompasses a rich and varied collection of drawings, photographs and instruments of historical importance to urology, many displayed in urological exhibits, in addition to a Library devoted to urological and early medical texts and the AUA archives. Stay tuned for a launch date! |
July 21, 2004: Presentation illustrations created for Thermogenic Imaging Inc. Thermogenic Imaging manufactures ultra-sensitive systems to measure unique thermal signatures in cells and animals that are indicative of disease, genetic variations or drug function. Thermal Signature Analysis (TSA) is a real-time measurement of cellular thermogenesis as it pertains to metabolic activity, toxic reactions and other biological processes that produce minute changes in heat. This novel technology provides a non-invasive, easy-to-use, surrogate assay to study the potency, efficacy, kinetics and toxicity of drug action in cells, organs and animals. Fairman Studios is currently developing illustrations for Thermogenic Imaging to explain various biochemical drug interactions during cellular respiration. |
July 19, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates accumulation of gap junctional and contractile proteins and the development of contracticle behavior for MIT’s Department of Chemical Engineering, Langer Lab. Fairman Studios is currently creating a journal illustration depicting the accumulation of gap junctional and contractile proteins and the development of contracticle behavior [Radisic, Langer, Vunjak-Novakovic]. |
July 16, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for COUNTDOWN magazine Fairman Studios will be creating an illustration for an article entitled Stem Cell Research in Diabetes for the Fall 2004 issue of COUNTDOWN Magazine. COUNTDOWN is the award-winning magazine published quarterly by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF). COUNTDOWN offers in-depth analysis about cutting-edge research and new treatments, and also features poignant stories from some of the more than 1 million people who have type 1 (juvenile) diabetes and their families.
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July 15, 2004: Brochure illustrations created for Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery. The Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Beth Israel Deaconess has contacted Fairman Studios to illustrate for a media brochure covering the various unique aspects of several cardiothoracic surgical procedures. The procedures to be included are minimally invasive valve repair or replacement (aortic or mitral valve) and complex aortic surgery. Also covered will be implantation of a ventricular assist device, arrythmia surgery using cryothermal energy, and coronary artery bypass grafting. The division of cardiothoracic surgery provides diagnosis and treatment for diseases of the chest, heart and great vessels. The division offers coronary bypass surgery (including minimally invasive coronary revascularization), repair or replacement of heart valves, and surgical treatment of the diseases of the great vessels. Cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons perform a wide range of interventional medical therapies (angioplasty, stents, thrombolysis) and revascularization surgery (coronary bypass) in a collaborative approach to acute and chronic coronary artery disease. |
July 14, 2004: Illustrations for Novartis Science Magazine – Fall 2004 Issue. Fairman Studios is currently producing a number of designs and illustrations for Novartis Science Magazine. Novartis is a world leader in the research and development of products to protect and improve health and well-being. Novartis core businesses are in pharmaceuticals, consumer health, generics, eye-care, and animal health. |
July 12, 2004: Pulmonary anatomy used for pharma invite CCG metaMEDIA has licensed the use of a pulmonary anatomy painting for pharmaceutical sales invitation. |
Thursday, July 8, 2004: “Setting Up Shop” Half-Day Workshop at 2004 GNSI Conference and Annual Meeting in Williamsburg, VASetting up Shop!
Jennifer Fairman of Fairman Studios has recently been invited by the GNSI to give a half day workshop and lead an open discussion on how to set up a studio business at the 2004 Annual meeting.This four-hour presentation and open discussion will focus on how to set up a small business from a freelance scientific illustrator’s perspective. Jennifer will also demonstrate time-saving software for accounting, organizational and archival purposes using QuickBooks Pro and FileMaker Pro. Topics will include: finances, taxes and finding an accountant, organizing, incorporating, budgeting, pricing and much more. The second part of the workshop will include demos of (1) accounting software for free-lancers (QuickBooks Pro), (2) a client-tracking system and (3) an illustration archive database (using FileMaker Pro). This demo session will be 1 hour.
Attendees will be able to interact with the session’s presenter and be given the chance to try using the databases and software being demonstrated at the end of the concurrent session. Questions and/or comments from attendees will be welcomed at the end of each of the presentations. In addition, contact information will be made available to attendees for after-meeting follow-up.
Download: Workshop Syllabus (pdf)
Download a QuickBooks Pro Handout (pdf)
Download a FileMaker Pro Handout (pdf)
Level: Beginner-Intermediate
Bring: Notebook and writing utencil (Handouts will be provided)
When: Thursday, July 8, 2004, 8:30am – 11:45am, Half Day
Where: Williamsburg, VA, College of William and Mary
For more information contact: info@fairmanstudios.com
Penguin and Puffin Coast: Illustrations from the Saint Louis Zoo
Jennifer has also recently been asked to present her artwork featured in the September issue of the GNSI newsletter, “Penguin and Puffin Coast: Illustrations from the Saint Louis Zoo.” This lecture will cover the behind-the-scenes work that took place in completing the artwork for this project. This slide presentation will also will the audience through the various business and art aspects of producing a variety of materials for the Saint Louis Zoo’s new Penguin and Puffin Coast exhibit. Topics will include: An Introduction: Jennifer Fairman, Fairman Studios and the Saint Louis Zoo. Project Description: What was the Zoo trying to accmplish in the broader aspect of this project? Business: How the Zoo found Fairman Studios, the interaction process (logistics of travel and communication), researching, work flow, bidding, how prices were determined, how and what kind of contract was established, how payments were made, who retained what rights, and some of the unusual and unexpected things that happened during the progression of the project. Art: Sketching by hand, then scanning, rendering and designing the illustrations using a computer. see more details
Techniques Showcase: Penguin and Puffin Coast
Jennifer will be participating at the Techniques Showcase – She will be performing a laptop demo during the Monday afternoon showcase. Be sure to stop by and spend one-on-one time with her working style, and ask questions! |
July 2004: Fairman Studios collaborates with The California Spine Institute and Karl Storz to produce a new Silverbook to be published in September of 2004 A new Karl Storz Silverbook covering covering Transforaminal Endoscopic Microdiscectomy for Herniated Lumbar Disc and Spinal Stenosis through endoscopy is being illustrated by Fairman Studios under the direction of Dr. John C. Chiu of The California Spine Institute. Traditional spine care has focused on standard open spinal surgery/fusion which has greater complications and some morbidity besides a longer convalescence and often poor results. Dr. Chiu’s endoscopic technique challenges the concept that open spinal surgery/fusion is today¼s gold standard, and aims at motion preservation. These techniques will be illustrated and published in the upcoming Silverbook in the September of 2004. |
July 1, 2004: Jespersen and Associates – OBGYN IllustrationsFairman Studios is currently creating anatomical illustrations in gynecology for a monograph produced by Jespersen and Associates for ACMI. ACMI Corporation, the largest producer of medical endoscopes and video systems, has supplied the medical community with the finest medical instruments available for minimally invasive surgery. |
July 1: Happy Birthday, Rudy!

June 24, 2004: Airway Cam Technologies, Inc. requests illustrations for emergency medicine textbook Airway Cam Technologies, Inc. has requested the use of laryngeal and head and neck anatomical illustrations for an textbook covering airway management for intubation training. Airway Cam is the producer of a camera system invented by an emergency physician to improve the way orotracheal intubation is taught and supervised. Using an unique optical apparatus, Airway Cam captures the exact perspective of the laryngoscopist during the course of the procedure. |
June 21, 2004: Life Science Institute of University of Michigan commisions illustrations of Autophagy and cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting for Science Magazine. One of the hallmarks of eukaryotic cells is the presence of a variety of organelles that allow the separation of various reactions into discrete subcellular compartments. It is critical that the proper proteins be efficiently sorted to each of these organelles so that they can carry out their correct function. The importance of protein targeting is underscored by the fact that many genetic diseases are associated with the absence of particular proteins from specific organelles. The yeast vacuole (figure 1) plays a central role in cellular physiology. |
June 16, 2004: Blood Brain Barrier illustration to appear in Barnard Alumnae Magazine Barnard Magazine, an alumnae magazine of Barnard College, an independent women’s liberal arts college in Manhattan. The magazine is a quarterly 4 color publication featuring a wide range of content. Fairman Studios’ medical art will appear in the upcoming summer issue to illustrate an article covering student science thesis projects. The illustration will show the blood brain barrier. |
June 7, 2004: Lahey Clinic Newsletter Illustrations scheduled Fairman Studios has been called upon to produce patient education illustrations for several topics in the Lahey Clinic Newsletter’s Fall 2004 issue: (1) Three-part illustration for a story on atrial fibrillation. Illustrations will teach (A) the normal electrical conduction system of the heart; (B) atrial fibrillation as a result of interference from the pulmonary veins; (C) the Pappone procedure showing circumferential ablation; (2) A full-color rendering of electron-beam radiation therapy for skin cancer; and (3) An illustration to accompany an article on sentinel node biopsies as they relate to cancer staging. |
June 1, 2004: Illustration to be published in Nature for the Glue Grant Project Fairman Studios is currently creating a graphic for the latest edition of Nature for the Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury project, a research program supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), a component of the National Institutes of Health. This collaborative program aims to uncover the biological reasons why patients can have dramatically different outcomes after suffering a traumatic injury. It is the first large-scale interdisciplinary program to attempt to solve the life-threatening problem of inflammation following major trauma or burn. Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury brings together major medical and research institutions, and researchers in the fields of surgery, genomics, proteomics, biostatistics, bioinformatics, computational biology, and genetics to focus on the microbiology of inflammation. |

May 31, 2004: The Fear Factor: 17-Year Cicada Illustration published in the The Baltimore Sun’s Science/Medicine Section.
May 25, 2004: Bayer RKI licenses urology images for internal training piece Bayer RKI licenses urology images for internal training training module regarding kidney cancer. The piece will cover basic urological anatomy and various landmark stages of kidney cancer. |
May 21, 2004: Cedars-Sinai Endosurgery Institute commisions a book chapter on Laparoscopic calyceal diverticulectomy. Cedars-Sinai Endosurgery Institute commisions illustrations in tone from Fairman Studios for a book chapter for the Textbook of Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery. Illustrations will depict laparoscopic calyceal diverticulectomy. The classic management of calyceal diverticula has been by open surgery. Advances in less invasive equipment and techniques have changed the treatment of these difficult cases. This chapter covers one such technique. |
May 19, 2004: American College of Rheumatology commissions illustrations for Patient-Education Website The American College of Rheumatology is an organization of physicians, health professionals, and scientists that advances rheumatology through programs of education, research, and advocacy that foster excellence in the care of people with arthritis and rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. Supplemented with medical art created by Fairman Studios, the ACR and ARHP have prepared information for patients about 22 rheumatic diseases, about the caregivers who treat patients with arthritis, and about several common medications used to treat rheumatic diseases. |
May 11, 2004: Web design underway for Nahuatl Website The Nahuatl Learning Environment originated in an effort to elaborate a trilingual dictionary (Nahuatl to Spanish and English) based on approximately four and a half years of ethnographic fieldwork in two neighboring Nahuatl-speaking communities located near the Balsas River in central Guerrero, Mexico: Ameyaltepec and San AgustÌn Oapan. The Nahuatl Learning Environment represents an effort to link lexicon, grammar, and corpus into a multifaceted and multimedia system for research and learning. It aims to combine two research projects (a dictionary and a reference/pedagogical grammar) while making available to students and scholars the primary field data that were used in the elaboration of each. This project is supported by, but not limited to, the U.S. Department of Education, International Research and Studies Program; The Hewlett Foundation, through the University of Chicago Center for Latin American Studies; the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies; The Ford Foundation; The Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania; and The Yale Intensive Nahuatl Summer Language Institute , the Yale Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Yale Summer Programs, and the University of Chicago Center for Latin American Studies. |
May 10, 2004: Cover artwork requested for The Journal of Family Practice June 2004 issue. Jennifer Fairman, CMI of Fairman Studios, LLC has been collaborating with Bob Demarest (FAMI) to illustrate the feature topic, Myocardial Infarction and Unstable Angina for the article, Long-term management of patients with unstable angina and NSTMI infarction, to be published in the June 2004 issue of The Journal of Family Practice, a publication produced by Dowden Health Media. The Journal of Family Practice covers the world of primary care, employing the highest scientific standards while retaining a uniquely human perspective. The journal’s quality is demonstrated by the fact that The National Library of Medicine awarded it the highest Journal Impact Factor of any publication devoted solely to family practice. With peer-reviewed original research and unique features such as POEMs (Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters), The Journal of Family Practice is a premier source of clinical information for Family Practitioners. |
May 7, 2004: Illustrations for Novartis Science Magazine – Summer 2004 Issue. Fairman Studios is currently producing a number of designs and illustrations for Novartis Science Magazine. Novartis is a world leader in the research and development of products to protect and improve health and well-being. Novartis core businesses are in pharmaceuticals, consumer health, generics, eye-care, and animal health. |
May 5, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Fairman Studios will be creating an illustrations for several articles appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Results of the Musculofascial Lengthening Technique for Submuscular Transposition of the Ulnar Nerve at the Elbow
Investigation performed at Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
Background: In the absence of a randomized, prospective study comparing different surgical approaches for decom-pression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow, the choice of an approach relies on the individual surgeon¼s training and ex-perience. The present report describes the results of a prospective, long-term evaluation of the musculofascial lengthening technique in a large series of patients. In these patients, the degree of ulnar nerve compression was staged with use of a numerical grading system that included measures of both motor and sensory function. |
May 4: Happy Birthday, Milo!

May, 2004: Eastern 17-Year Cicada Watch!

April 27, 2004: Percardia Receives new LStent Visuals for Marcom. Fairman Studios is illustrating new surgical considerations in LStent placement illustrations to be used by Percardia researchers. Percardia is a medical device company dedicated to development and commercialization of proprietary devices for treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD). The company’s current core technology establishes blood flow from the left ventricle of the heart to the coronary vasculature. The company’s technology is intended to provide improvement or relief of angina pectoris, which often results from pre-existing ischemic conditions typically caused by a partial or total blockage of the vessel that significantly restricts the flow of oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. With new coronary vessel illustrations, researchers will be able to visually document clinical trials. |
April 22, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for COUNTDOWN magazine Fairman Studios will be creating an illustration for an article entitled Hypoglycemia in Diabetes for the Summer 2004 issue of COUNTDOWN Magazine. COUNTDOWN is the award-winning magazine published quarterly by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF). COUNTDOWN offers in-depth analysis about cutting-edge research and new treatments, and also features poignant stories from some of the more than 1 million people who have type 1 (juvenile) diabetes and their families.
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April 21, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates Rapid, Nanoliter-Scale Synthesis and Screening of Arrayed Biomaterials for MIT’s Department of Chemical Engineering. Fairman Studios is currently creating a journal cover design for the latest issue of Nature Biotechnology. Currently, the Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has had an article accepted to the journal on the entitled article, Rapid, Nanoliter-Scale Synthesis and Screening of Arrayed Biomaterials: Application to Human Embryonic Stem Cells [Daniel G. Anderson, Shulamit Levenberg, Robert Langer]. The article and conceptual illustration will cover the identification of biomaterials that support appropriate cellular attachment, proliferation, and gene expression patterns which are critical for tissue engineering and cell therapy. |
April 21, 2004: Orthopaedic Illustrations created for the Journal of Orthopeadic TraumaMembers of the Department of Orthopaedics at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, NY, are writing an article entitled Surgical Dislocation of the Hip, co-authored by David Helfet, MD and Mike Gardner, MD. Fairman Studios will be creating tone illustrations for the article, to be published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. |
April 18, 2004: Heart illustrations submitted for journal article from the University of Edinburgh.Currently, members of the Division of Neuroscience at the University of Edinburgh are writing a review for the European Journal of Pharmacology for its 500th edition in June. The review will cover drug development and the association of many drugs with cardiac side effects. Fairman STudios is providing cardiology illustrations for this review. |
April 16-18 2004: Presentations Scheduled at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.The Department of Art as Applied to Medicine has invited Jennifer Fairman to present and teach at the Annual JHU – Corbel, Georgia – Toronto Exchange:
Penguin and Puffin Coast: Illustrations from the Saint Louis Zoo
Friday, April 16, 9:15 – 10:30 am
Jennifer has recently been asked to present her artwork featured in the September issue of the GNSI newsletter, “Penguin and Puffin Coast: Illustrations from the Saint Louis Zoo.” This lecture will cover the behind-the-scenes work that took place in completing the artwork for this project. Jennifer will also cover her rendering techniques in ornithological illustration. Read more about it
Get Organized! An Introduction to FileMaker Pro and QuickBooks
Saturday, April 17, 11:00 – 11:45 am
Jennifer will be presenting File Maker Pro database systems to the students in the graduate program. This presentation will include organization and accounting, archiving for artwork and client tracking systems and mailing lists.
Download a QuickBooks Pro Handout (pdf)
Download a FileMaker Pro Handout (pdf)
April 9, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Fairman Studios will be creating an illustrations for several articles appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery:Correction of Sagittal Plane Spinal Deformities with Unit Rod Instrumentation in Children with Cerebral Palsy
Investigation performed at the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, Delaware
Background: To our knowledge, there have been no previous studies addressing the indications for and the results of treatment of patients with cerebral palsy and concomitant kyphosis or lordosis without scoliosis. The purpose of the present study was to identify the indications for and the results of treatment of patients with cerebral palsy who have a spinal curve deformity solely in the sagittal plane.
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty in Patients Sixty Years of Age or Younger
Investigation performed at Botsford General Hospital, Farmington Hills, Michigan, and Tri County Orthopedics, Farmington Hills, Michigan
Background: Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty has been used to treat elderly, low-demand patients, but the liter-ature is sparse regarding the use of this procedure for younger, active patients. The purpose of the present retrospec-tive study was to evaluate the results of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty in younger, more active patients. |
April 2, 2004: Sunburned skin illustration created for Harvard Women’s Health Watch June IssueHarvard Health Publications has requested an illustration depiciting 1st and second degree sunburns for the June issue of Harvard’s Women’s Heath Watch publication. |
March 26, 2004: Hull Graphic design commisions journal cover for May issue of Women’s Health in Clinical Practice.The feature article “The Wheezing Patient: Avoiding Missteps in Diagnosis and Management: The importance of looking beyond asthma,” will be accompanied by original cover art, produced by Fairman Studios. A collage of non-asthmatic causes of wheezing will be created: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (characterized by bronchitis and emphysema), foreign body, benign or malignant neoplasm, and bronchiectasis (though uncommon in the United States), are some causes of airway obstruction that may be misdiagnosed as asthma. Although these conditions do not typically appear together in the same set of lungs, each alone should be ruled out as causal when a patient presents with wheeze. A collage of different causes of wheezing within one set of lungs will be depicted. |
March 25, 2004: Icon Custom Communications commisions Fairman Studios for American Physical Therapy Association booklets Icon Custom Communications has recently asked Fairman Studios to illustrate patient education illustrations for the American Physical Therapy Association. The booklets, covering a wide variety of topics in physical therapy, are used widely by physical therapists. Icon Custom Communications specializes in taking complex medical information, identifying the core message, and creating visual programs that educate target audiences. ICC is also the home of the Netter Collection and the publication, Clinical Symposia. |
March 24, 2004: “Setting Up Shop” – Presented by Fairman StudiosJennifer Fairman of Fairman Studios will give a 2 hour presentation and lead an open discussion how to set up a business from a freelance artist’s perspective. She will discuss and take questions from the group on a variety of topics. Topics will include: finances, taxes and finding an accountant, organizing, incorporating and much more. She will also demo time-saving software, FileMaker Pro and QuickBooks Pro, used for accounting, databasing and archiving. Come join us as we share ideas on setting up an independent illustration studio. Bring questions, snacks, friends and yourself.
03.23.04 Update: Download Meeting Agenda (pdf)Where: Massachusetts College of Art
Tower Building, 11th Floor, Trustees Room
Avenue of the Arts, 621 Huntington Avenue (between Longwood Avenue and Evans Way)
Boston, MA
For directions: http://www.massart.edu/about/directions.html
When: March 24, 2004, 7pm to 9pm
For more information contact:
Jennifer Fairman, Owner, Fairman Studios, LLC: info@fairmanstudios.com
or visit: Boston Chapter Graphic Artists Guild Website |
March 18, 2004: Journal cover illustration submitted for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences An illustration depicting research in virology and Tachycardia has been submitted to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PNAS is one of the world’s most-cited multidisciplinary scientific serials. Since its establishment in 1914, it continues to publish cutting-edge research reports, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, colloquium papers, and actions of the Academy. Coverage in PNAS spans the biological, physical, and social sciences. PNAS is published weekly in print, and daily online in PNAS Early Edition. PNAS Online receives nearly 4 million hits per month. |
March 18, 2004: AstraZeneca requests Ischemic Stroke graphic. AstraZeneca has requested a graphic that illustrates Ischemic Stroke. This illustration will be used as a graphic in a training manual for clinical trial recruitment outreach. The graphic may also be sent to media outlets for possible inclusion. |
March 16, 2004: Illustrated Kyphon white paper published. This past Fall, Fairman Studios was asked to paint several types of vertebral bone fractures for Kyphon’s recently published Balloon stent technology white paper which can be viewed by clicking on this link. Kyphon develops innovative medical devices using proprietary balloon technology for orthopedic applications. The KyphX Inflatable Bone Tamp (IBT) is designed to assist in the management of fractures involving crushed or collapsed bone through fracture reduction and creation of a cavity in cancellous bone. |
March 15, 2004: Illustrations for Novartis Science Magazine – Spring 2004 Issue. Fairman Studios is currently producing a number of designs and illustrations for Novartis Science Magazine. Novartis is a world leader in the research and development of products to protect and improve health and well-being. Novartis core businesses are in pharmaceuticals, consumer health, generics, eye-care, and animal health. |
March 15, 2004: Fairman Studios collaborates with Visual Concepts to create instructional illustrations for AngioLink Fairman Studios has been commisioned to create intructional illustrations of AngioLink – the EVS Vascular Closure System. The EVS is engineered to close arteriotomies using an ergonomic stapler and a simple, trigger activated mechanism, requiring a singler operator. A delivery sheath crefully locks onto the target vessel and maintains control of the site before, during, and after the delivery of the staple. |
March 9, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Fairman Studios will be creating an illustrations for several articles appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery:Severely Impacted Valgus Proximal Humeral Fractures
Investigation performed at the Orthopaedic Trauma Unit, The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland
Background: The functional results associated with nonoperative treatment of severely impacted valgus fractures of the proximal part of the humerus are poor, and these injuries are difficult to treat with minimally invasive percutane-ous fixation techniques. The aim of this study was to review the functional and radiographic results and complications of a new operative technique in a series of twenty-five patients.
Reattachment of the Ununited Greater Trochanter Following Total Hip Arthroplasty:
Investigation performed at the Department of Orthopaedic and Reconstructive Surgery (Service A), Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Cochin-Port Royal, Paris, France
Background: The purpose of this retrospective study was to analyze the utility of a trochanteric claw plate in the treatment of an ununited greater trochanter following total hip arthroplasty. |
March 2, 2004: Urological illustrations created for AUA update. Leonard Zinman, MD, of the Department of Urology at Lahey Clinic, Burlington, MA, recently recenly asked Fairman Studios to illustrate a newly updated article on gracilis flap urethroplasty for deformaties of the prostae, rectum and strictures of the urethra. The article will appear in the Journal of the American Urological Association. |
February 20, 2004: Illustrations produced for Fossa Medical Stone Sweeper Brochure. Fairman Studios is currently producing medical device illustrations for Fossa Medical’s Stone Sweeper brochure. The Stone Sweeper is used to remove kidney stones up to 5mm in diameter. The Sweeper, with its¼ series of expandable baskets, passively dilates the ureter substantially more than ureteral stents.1 Dilation promotes increased drainage and removal of stones that were typically left to pass without surgical intervention, usually causing severe discomfort to patients. The most common stone treatment, ESWL, reduces stone diameters by fragmenting the stones. Alternatively, the Fossa Sweeper expands the diameter of the ureter and directly removes the stone. |
February 18, 2004: Novartis journal article is illustrated. Fairman Studios is currently producing a number of line illustrations for a journal article being submitted by Novartis . Novartis is a world leader in the research and development of products to protect and improve health and well-being. Novartis core businesses are in pharmaceuticals, consumer health, generics, eye-care, and animal health. |
February 18, 2004: Additional illustrations requested for TLC’s Clinical Pharmacology Training manual. Fairman Studios has been asked to produce additional illustrations for Clinical Pharmacology, A Pharmaceutical Professional’s Guide, a Total Learning Concepts’ pharmaceutical training manual. Total Learning Concepts develops customized training materials used to launch pharmaceutical products worldwide. Their products and services, including their training manuals, are used by some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies.
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February 17, 2004: Pfizer Depo-Provera Instructional leaflet illustrated by Fairman Studios Fairman Studios has been commisioned to produce a series of line illustrations for nurse practitioners who administer the contraceptive injection called Depo-Provera. This educational piece is being produced in collaboration with Cline, Davis and Mann for Pfizer. |
February 12, 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates for Alternative Medicine Magazine Fairmans Studios is currently producing an illustration that will accompany an article about Rolfing. Rolfing reorients the body to its internal plumb line by freeing up fascia, the connective tissue surrounding muscles, bones, and joints. When the body functions optimally, fascia forms a smooth sleeve, inside which the body’s architectural components slide freely. |
February 10, 2004: Design for Novartis brochure. Fairman Studios is currently producing a number of designs and illustrations for Novartis corporate brochure. Novartis is a world leader in the research and development of products to protect and improve health and well-being. Novartis core businesses are in pharmaceuticals, consumer health, generics, eye-care, and animal health. |
February 9, 2004: Fairman Studios collaborates to produce to produce Hernia repair illustrations for Schwartz Principles of Surgery, 8th edition, a McGraw Hill Publication. Fairman Studios is producing original surgical illustrations for the newest edition of Schwartz Principles of Surgery, 8th ed. The work will include 48 chapters multicontributed from several authors and illustrators. The artwork will consist of pen and ink illustrations in a 2 color art program, with black and white line. Subjects will include all general aspects of surgical procedures in various disciplines. The work is expected to be completed and published before the February 2005 Academy of Surgeons Meeting. |
February 2004: Fairman Studios illustrates hydraulic periosteal harvesting technique for MIT’s Division of Comparative Medicine. Fairman Studios is currently illustrating a surgical technique, called “hydraulic elevation,” a technique whereby saline is injected beneath the periosteum. Elevation occurs when saline is injected beneath the periosteum. The illustrations also demonstrate the simultaneous lateral sweeping motion of the needle as the fluid is injected. Using a delicate tissue forcep, the periosteum can then be lifted from the exposed bone. These illustrations are to be published in an accompanying journal article. |
February 2004: Icon Custom Communications commisions Fairman Studios for Neuroscience publication Icon Custom Communications specializes in taking complex medical information, identifying the core message, and creating visual programs that educate target audiences. ICC is also the home of the Netter Collection and the publication, Clinical Symposia. Icon Custom Communications has recently asked Fairman Studios to participate in a Neuroscience textbook illustration project regarding canalith repositioning for benign perixomal vertigo. The book will feature the works of Frank Netter, MD, as well as the illustrations of John Craig, MD and Carlos Machado, MD. |
February 5, 2004: Cover artwork requested for The Journal of Family Practice March 2004 issue. Jennifer Fairman, CMI of Fairman Studios, LLC has been collaborating with Bob Demarest (FAMI) to illustrate the feature topic, Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) for the article, When is prophylaxis for subacute bacterial endocarditis required for patients with mitral valve prolapse, to be published in the March 2004 issue of The Journal of Family Practice, a publication produced by Dowden Health Media. Patients with suspected MVP should undergo echocardiography prior to undergoing a procedure that may place them at risk for bacteremia. Patients who have MVP with documented absence of mitral regurgitation or valvular thickening likely do not need antibiotic prophylaxis against subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE). Patients with MVP with documented mitral regurgitation, valvular thickening, or an unknown degree of valvular dysfunction, may benefit from antibiotic prophylaxis during procedures with predictable bacteremia. The Journal of Family Practice covers the world of primary care, employing the highest scientific standards while retaining a uniquely human perspective. The journal’s quality is demonstrated by the fact that The National Library of Medicine awarded it the highest Journal Impact Factor of any publication devoted solely to family practice. With peer-reviewed original research and unique features such as POEMs (Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters), The Journal of Family Practice is a premier source of clinical information for Family Practitioners. |
February 2004: Bones!, Bones!, Bones!, Children’s Book, Produced by Becker & Mayer, Illustrated by Fairman Studios. Enter the Bone Zone! In the fun and fascinating world of bones, children can learn what bones do, how they are made, and happens when they break. Young readers can find out intersting facts about the longest, storngest, smallest and strangest bones. Once they’re done, children of all ages can construct and pose their own model skelton, included in the book. |
January 2004: Fairman Studios redesigns The American Urological Association’s Intranet Site Today, as the world’s preeminent urological association, the AUA conducts a wide range of activities to ensure that more than 13,000 members stay current on the latest research and best practices in the field of urology. An educational non-profit organization, the AUA pursues its mission of fostering the highest standards of urologic care by providing a wide range of services, including publications, the Annual Meeting, continuing medical education and health policy advocacy. With the American Urological Association’s recent move to Linthicum, Maryland, Fairman Studios has been asked to redesign the AUA private intranet website. Fairman Studios is also creating a new public internet site for the AUA. Both sites are set for launch dates in Spring 2004. |
January 15, 2004: Jespersen and Associates – Incontinence Repair Surgical IllustrationsFairman Studios is currently creating surgical illustrations of incontinence repair for a monograph produced by Jespersen and Associates. |
January 12, 2004: Cover artwork requested for The Journal of Family Practice March 2004 issue Jennifer Fairman, CMI of Fairman Studios, LLC has been collaborating with Bob Demarest (FAMI) to illustrate the feature topic, Osteoarthritis for the article, How should we diagnose and treat osteoarthritis of the knee?, to be published in the February 2004 issue of The Journal of Family Practice, a publication produced by Dowden Health Media. The article will cover topics including when x-ray films indicated for a patient with knee pain, when prescriptions for selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors should be made, instead of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), how often intraarticular steroids can be used, what role viscosupplementation plays, and when total knee replacement is appropriate. The Journal of Family Practice covers the world of primary care, employing the highest scientific standards while retaining a uniquely human perspective. The journal’s quality is demonstrated by the fact that The National Library of Medicine awarded it the highest Journal Impact Factor of any publication devoted solely to family practice. With peer-reviewed original research and unique features such as POEMs (Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters), The Journal of Family Practice is a premier source of clinical information for Family Practitioners. |
January 5, 2004: More illustrations underway for Novartis . Fairman Studios is currently producing a number of illustrations for Novartis corporate presentations and newsletters. Novartis is a world leader in the research and development of products to protect and improve health and well-being. Novartis core businesses are in pharmaceuticals, consumer health, generics, eye-care, and animal health. |
January, 2004: Fairman Studios creates corporate identity for Synaptic Learning. Fairman Studios is currently creating a logo for Synaptic Learning, a new company which focuses on interactive learning products for the pharmaceutical and medical training industries. |
January 2004: Fairman Studios produces Colorectal Surgical illustrations for Schwartz Principles of Surgery, 8th edition, a McGraw Hill Publication. Fairman Studios is producing original surgical illustrations for the newest edition of Schwartz Principles of Surgery, 8th ed. The work will include 48 chapters multicontributed from several authors and illustrators. The artwork will consist of pen and ink illustrations in a 2 color art program, with black and white line. Subjects will include all general aspects of surgical procedures in various disciplines. The work is expected to be completed and published before the February 2005 Academy of Surgeons Meeting. |
January 2004: Fairman Studios collaborates with MGH and Karl Storz to produce a new Silverbook covering Minimally Invasive Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery through endoscopy, to be published in Spring of 2004 A new Karl Storz Silverbook covering Minimally Invasive Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery through endoscopy is being illustrated by Fairman Studios under the direction of Drs. Leonard B. Kaban and Maria Troulis of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital. MGH, in recent years, has developed an endoscopic approach to the ramus/condyle unit. This technique is being used for open reduction and rigid fixation of subcondylar fractures, vertical ramus osteotomy with rigid fixation, and condylectomy with costochondral graft reconstruction. The first series of clinical cases were published in the Spring 2002 issue of The Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Drs. Kaban and Troulis regularly offer Training Courses in Minimally Invasive Techniques for Mandibular Reconstruction and Salivary Disease at the Harvard School of Medicine. Their techniques will be illustrated and published in the upcoming Silverbook in the Spring of 2004. |