Immunotree Cancer Storm

An experiment in vector media

Originally created for a journal cover, this was simply a paper cut-out experiment of an image I saw in my mind while making the foliage of a tree. The original concept called for falling leaves that turned into blood droplets.As I looked at the mass of tree foliage, I started to see a storm cloud. It simply made sense to make the red drops into blue drops of rain. The twisted trunk turned into a space to show a bolt of lightning.

The other aspect of this piece that I have been playing with is both the color palette – a juxtaposition of a deeply tumultuous blue stormy field in contrast with a calmer green “Fall” palette on the other side. I also like to play with texture even though most times vector art is simply flat. I have figured out ways of layering scanned paper as well as grain filters to emulate the feel of cut construction paper.

I am not sure what I will ever do with this piece, but it came from my mind, and its mine. This comes from moments of tinkering which gets me ready for my next project.

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