Allergic Rhinitis wins AMI Award of Excellence
I am excited and humbled at the same time! This piece I created for American Family Physician won a 2023 Salon Award of Excellence in the Professional Editorial Category at the Association of Medical Illustrators Annual Conference.
This illustration highlights current literature and research on the diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis, the most common chronic disease of childhood and the fifth most common chronic disease in the United States.
Depicted are various causes (dust mites, pollen, and pet dander), symptoms (nasal congestion, runny or itchy nose, sneezing, watery eyes, conjunctival swelling, redness, and dark circles) diagnostic testing (skin prick test performed with patches of swelling or wheals) and treatments (intranasal corticosteroids and antihistamines).
I chose hues of green to represent sensitization to grass, pollen and other particles and used splatter brushes to give the subject a feeling of itchiness and discomfort. I also chose to place allergen sources like cat silhouettes, dust mites, spores, and mold particles in the background to illustrate that sensitizations can occur both indoors and outdoors.