Penguins of the World
Fairman Studios was chosen among a number of other illustration studios to create original illustrations that are now be part of an interactive walk-through display for the Saint Louis Zoo Penguin and Puffin Coast Exhibit, which opened at the zoo in Spring 2003. This poster (which you may purchase at Fine Art America) was created after the project was completed as an educational and promotional piece showing all 17 species of penguins.
The Saint Louis Zoo, Ten 8 Group, Peckham Guyton Albers & Viets, Inc. (PGAV), Pacific Studio and Fairman Studios teamed up to create the new Penguin and Puffin Coast Exhibit, which opened at the zoo in Spring 2003. Fairman Studios was chosen among a number of other illustration studios to create original illustrations that will be part of an interactive walk-through display within the exhibit.
Two large indoor exhibits, one for penguins and one for puffins, will depict a rugged naturalistic coastline complete with underwater viewing. The Lichtenstein Penguin Cove will be home to penguins from the Antarctic, and Puffin Bay will feature puffins, a beautiful oceanic bird from the North. This will be the first walk-through, sub-Antarctic penguin exhibit in North America. The indoor puffin exhibit will include about 25 tufted and 25 horned puffins, all from the Northern Hemisphere. Read more about this project.