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December 31, 2008: Fairman Studios wishes everyone a Happy New Year as it enters it’s 10th year! Happy New Year and thanks again for yet another successful year!! Fairman Studios is currently entering it’s 10th year of business and is updating it’s “What’s New Section”. As can be seen by the entries already posted below, a lot of work has been done in 2008, and 2009 is already geared up to be another year filled with many interesting and exciting projects. More to come on our 2009 page, also being updated. |
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December 22, 2008: siRNA Illustration created for Alnylam and Harvard University research of siRNAs targeting both a viral and host gene, to be featured in January 2009 issue of Cell Host and Microbe.
The editors have chosen Fairman Studios submitted cover artwork to be featured on our January issue of Cell Host & Microbe. The cover depicts the feature article which describes the durable protection from Herpes Simplex Virus-2 transmission following intravaginal application of siRNAs targeting both a viral and host gene. Fairman Studios’ depiction illustrates the idea of knocking down both viral and host gene to achieve durable protection from viral infection in mice. Illustration by Jennifer E. Fairman, Fairman Studios, LLC. |
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December 4, 2008: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Fairman Studios will be creating several illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Combined Intra-Articular and Varus Opening Wedge Osteotomy for Lateral Depression and Valgus Malunion of the Proximal Part of the Tibia Background: Reconstructive surgical measures for treatment of posttraumatic deformities of the lateral tibial plateau are seldom reported on in the literature. We report the long-term follow-up results of a consecutive series of reconstructive osteotomies performed to treat depression and valgus malunions of the proximal part of the tibia. |
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November 27, 2008: The Dana Organization 2009 Progress Report Cover Art commisioned The Dana Foundation is a private philanthropy with principal interests in brain science, immunology, and arts education. Charles A. Dana, a New York State legislator, industrialist and philanthropist, was president of the Dana Foundation from 1950 to 1966 and actively shaped its programs and principles until his death in 1975. Dana.org serves as a gateway to brain information about the brain and current brain research, as well as links to validated sites related to more than 25 brain disorders. Fairman Studios is currently assisting the Dana Foundation by illustrating the Dana Foundation’s Annual Progress Report of the previous year’s advancements in Brain Research. Dana Press publishes books and news on health and popular science for the general reader and comments on recent books and news on its blog. It also publishes Cerebrum, an online journal of opinion with articles and book reviews exploring the impact of brain research on daily life and society. Other publications, distributed free, are for general readers, BrainWork, a bi-monthly newsletter, three periodicals reprinting news articles about the brain, immunology, and arts education, and several special publications for students and educators in those fields, as well as the Dana Foundation annual report and other materials from the foundation and the Dana Alliance. |
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November 6 2008: Optic nerve sheath diameter – Editorial Art for December JAAPA issue The December issue of JAAPA (DECEMBER 2008, 21(12), JAAPA 1) will feature an article entitled, “Measuring optic nerve sheath diameter in the evaluation of a head-injured man: Measuring ONSD does not involve radiation exposure and can be done quickly at the bedside during the evaluation of a head-injured patient.” The use of Sonographic Measurement of Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter will be illustrated in the article. Ultrasonography of the optic nerve sheath gives the clinician an objective measurement to assess for elevated intracranial pressure (ICP). In rural or other austere environments in which CT or neurosurgery are absent or limited and rapid transfer to a tertiary facility within the “golden hour” is key to reducing patient morbidity and mortality, the optic nerve sheath diameter can serve as a surrogate marker of elevated ICP i. This procedure is strongly supported by anatomy and physiology, and studies are beginning to confirm its clinical utility as a screening method for patients with suspected elevated ICP. Measuring ONSD has a high NPV, does not involve radiation exposure, can be performed within minutes, and does not involve transferring the patient to a radiology suite for imaging. Skill in performing the procedure is relatively easy to acquire. |
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November 1, 2008: Dana Progress Report Published
The Dana Foundation is a private philanthropy with principal interests in brain science, immunology, and arts education. Charles A. Dana, a New York State legislator, industrialist and philanthropist, was president of the Dana Foundation from 1950 to 1966 and actively shaped its programs and principles until his death in 1975. Dana.org serves as a gateway to brain information about the brain and current brain research, as well as links to validated sites related to more than 25 brain disorders. Fairman Studios is currently assisting the Dana Foundation by illustrating the Dana Foundation’s Annual Progress Report of the previous year’s advancements in Brain Research. Dana Press publishes books and news on health and popular science for the general reader and comments on recent books and news on its blog. It also publishes Cerebrum, an online journal of opinion with articles and book reviews exploring the impact of brain research on daily life and society. Other publications, distributed free, are for general readers, BrainWork, a bi-monthly newsletter, three periodicals reprinting news articles about the brain, immunology, and arts education, and several special publications for students and educators in those fields, as well as the Dana Foundation annual report and other materials from the foundation and the Dana Alliance. |
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October 28, 2008: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Fairman Studios will be creating several illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Glenohumeral Arthrodesis After Failed Prosthetic Shoulder Arthroplasty Background: While there have been numerous reports concerning glenohumeral arthrodesis for many indications, there is little available information specific to glenohumeral arthrodesis performed after failed prosthetic shoulder arthroplasty. The purpose of this study was to report the outcomes of glenohumeral arthrodesis in the setting of severe glenohumeral bone loss and deltoid muscle and rotator cuff insufficiency following failed prosthetic shoulder arthroplasty. |
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October 26, 2008: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Fairman Studios will be creating several illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Intrasheath Subluxation of the Peroneal Tendons Background: Dislocation or subluxation of the peroneal tendons out of the peroneal groove under a torn or avulsed superior peroneal retinaculum has been well described. We identified a new subgroup of patients with intrasheath subluxation of these tendons within the peroneal groove and with an otherwise intact retinaculum. |
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September 30, 2008: Clarkson University Alumni Magazine Feature Article uses Zebrafish illustration
Fairman Studios has provided the Clarkson University Alumni magazine with an illustration of zebrafish for an upcoming article about human digestion. One of Clarkson University’s researchers had determined the digestive tract of a zebrafish parallels the human digestive tract. |
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September 28, 2008: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Fairman Studios will be creating several illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation Compared with Circular Fixator Application for Bicondylar Tibial Plateau Fractures RESULTS OF A MULTICENTER, PROSPECTIVE, RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIAL Background: Standard open reduction and internal fixation techniques have been successful in restoring osseous alignment for bicondylar tibial plateau fractures; however, surgical morbidity, especially soft-tissue infection and wound necrosis, has been reported frequently. For this reason, several investigators have proposed minimally invasive methods of fracture reduction followed by circular external fixation as an alternative approach. To our knowledge, there has been no direct comparison of the two operative approaches. |
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September 22, 2008: WMR Biomedical
Stent illustrations created – details to come |
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September 21, 2008: Ogilvy
Fairman Studios collaborating with Ogilvy PR to illustrate a booklet for the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Since its creation by Congress in 1950, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) has grown to become the nation’s leading supporter of biomedical research on the brain and nervous system. Most research funded by the NINDS is conducted by scientists in public and private institutions such as universities, medical schools, and hospitals.Government scientists also conduct a wide array of neurological research in the more than 20 laboratories and branches of the NINDS itself. This research ranges from studies on the structure and function of single brain cells to tests of new diagnostic tools and treatments for those with neurological disorders. . |
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September 15, 2008: Health Bank umbilical cord/cord blood project
Fairman Studios is illustrating umbilical cord illustrations for HealthBank. Details to come. |
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September 8, 2008: University of Michigan Cell Biology Illustrations created
Elucidating recent cellular biology studied at the University of Michigan, Fairman Studios will be illustrating the cell’s method of cutting through the basement membrane using a specialized cell extension called an ‘invadopodium’. Several features of the invadopodium should be highlighted– the actin fibers driving its formation and protrusion thru the BM and underlying extracellular matrix molecules, the main ‘molecular scissor’ used by cells (called MT1-MMP) to cut thru the BM, and different sets of cell surface adhesion molecules (called ‘integrins’) used to bind the BM as well as the underlying ‘interstitial’ matrix. |
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August 27, 2008: Seahorse Bioscience
Fairman Studios will be illustrating a mechanism of action involving the measuring the byproducts through glycolysis for Seahorse Bioscience. Founded in 2000, Seahorse Bioscience is a venture backed, privately owned company. Seahorse designs and manufacture consumable sensors and custom injection molded Labware in their Innovative Microplate facility in Chicopee, Massachusetts. |
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August 12, 2008: Brand Union UK
Fairman Studios is collaborating with London-based company, The Brand Union, to create illustration guidlines for technical illustrations used in Coloplasts new collateral materials. |
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July 31, 2008: Xoft, Inc. commissions new medical device illustration
Fairman Studios will be illustrating Xoft’s new release of the Axxent Vaginal Applicator, the Axxent System now enables radiation oncologists to perform Vaginal Brachytherapy in addition to Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation. The Axxent System offers an advanced radiation treatment option utilizing a proprietary miniaturized X-ray source that makes treatment more accessible to patients and providers.Xoft specializes in radiation oncology with the Axxent® Electronic Brachytherapy System® uses proprietary, miniaturized X-ray tube technology to apply radiation directly to the target. Without radioactive isotopes, heavy shielding, or major capital investment, the Axxent platform delivers cost-effective results for an expanding list of indications. |
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July 27, 2008: Lahey Clinic Magazine Fall Issue commissions new patient education piece on Pulmonary Hypertension
Fairman Studios will be illustrating the feature article for the Lahey CLinic Magazine covering Pulmonary Hypertension. The illustration will show the lungs and heart placement in the human body, an inset of the lungs and heart with the pulmonary artery highlighted, and a cross section of pulmonary artery showing fibrosis and narrowing. |
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July 25, 2008: Xoft, Inc. commissions new medical device illustration
Fairman Studios will be illustrating Xoft’s new Axxent Balloon Applicator for breast cancer. The Axxent Balloon Applicator is a key component of the Axxent®Electronic Brachytherapy System, a unique treatment solution for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI). Axxent Balloon Applicators are available in multiple sizes and shapes to best fit the contour of the lumpectomy cavity, which allows the radiation dose to conform to the size and shape of the cavity. Inserted through a single incision, the balloon catheter provides a channel for the Axxent HDR X-ray source to deliver high-dose rate, low energy radiation treatment. The Axxent Electronic Brachytherapy System is an attractive alternative for physicians and patients desiring greater flexibility and patient comfort in breast cancer treatment.Xoft specializes in radiation oncology with the Axxent® Electronic Brachytherapy System® uses proprietary, miniaturized X-ray tube technology to apply radiation directly to the target. Without radioactive isotopes, heavy shielding, or major capital investment, the Axxent platform delivers cost-effective results for an expanding list of indications. |
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July 20 – 26, 2008: GNSI Annual Conference, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY The GNSI Annual Conference will be held in Ithaca, NY in 2008. Here are a few things we will be involved in: Digital Watercolor Wash Technique Using Adobe Photoshop Freelance Busines Panel |
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July 20, 2008: The Unstable Intertrochanteric Fracture of the Hip feature article to be illustrated on the August cover of Orthopedics. Slack Incorporated’s August issue of Orthopaedics will feature the article, The Unstable Intertrochanteric Fracture of the Hip, which will be featured on the cover. Cover artwork will be created by Fairman Studios. An unstable intertrochanteric hip fracture is one whose characteristics predispose it to displace even after reduction and fixation have been achieved. If the displacement is minor, it results in a minimal shortening of the limb. Severe displacement, however, can cause a well placed fixation device to cut out of the femoral head and damage the acetabalum. (Fig 1) Displacement may also result in malunion, non union or failure of the fixation device. Since the introduction of the Dynamic Hip Screw, the device favored by many U.S. orthopedic Surgeons for fixing intertrochanteric fractures, fixation failure takes the form of breakage or pulling out of the screws holding the plate to the femur. (Fig 2) Preoperative identification of the unstable intertrochanteric hip fracture allows the surgeon to pick the option of treatment that most reduces these risks. |
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July 19, 2008: Seidler Berstein Illustrations created Details to come. |
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July 18, 2008: Jennifer Fairman receives the AMI Outstanding Service Award
On July 18, 2008, at the 63rd Annual Conference of the Association of Medical Illustrators, Jennifer Fairman received the Outstanding Acheivement Award, “for outstanding service to the Association, excellence as an artist and educator, and bringing honor to the profession.” The Outstanding Service Award is presented to a Professional or Associate Member who has served the AMI in an official capacity and who deserves special recognition. No more than two such awards may be presented in one year. |
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July 16 – 20, 2008: AMI Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN The AMI Annual Conference will be held in Indianapolis, IN in 2008. Here are a few things we will be involved in:Concurrent 7, Business Practices 101, Amanda Behr, CMI Joanne Haderer Muller, CMI Tonya Hines, CMI Cynthia Turner, CMI and other panelists, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm, (0.1 CEUs Business) Jennifer E. Fairman, CMI, FAMI will participate in the discussion of the first three chapters of the recently developed AMI Business Practice Guidelines. These chapters are entitled “Employment by an Institution,” “Self-Employment,” and “Stock Art.” Today’s successful medical illustrator must become more aware of good business practices within the field. An analysis of the employment relationships that may exist in an institutional setting or in your own freelance business will prove invaluable to the recent graduate as well as the more established artist/illustrator. This presentation will discuss relevant concepts of business. Aspects of institutional employment, many of which may be unclear at the time of employment, will prove important should an illustrator chooses to transition to a freelance business model. Becoming self-employed has some inherent risks and challenges. Being self-employed is very different than being an employee. Some individuals may find it difficult or impossible to adjust to the inherent differences. This presentation will help identify the necessary entrepreneurial mindset to become successfully self-employed. Finally, the use of “stock art” has increased among ad agencies, marketing companies, and in-house production departments. An open discussion of the many issues inherent in the “stock art” business model will help determine if this type of work arrangement represents a legitimate business opportunity for the medical illustrator, or if it is an exploitation of one’s work as some have suggested. The 2008 Techniques Showcase will be an extravaganza like no other, featuring the best of digital and tradition illustration that our members have to offer. Come in and see in depth demonstrations of Osirix, MudBox, Cinema 4D, Pen and Ink Techniques, Cartooning with Illustrator, Portraiture, Scanning Line Art for Print, Maya, FileMaker Pro, Molecular Illustration, and Working with Adobe Illustrator. This session will be jam packed with known experts in our field, who are more than willing to share their insight and skill. Come and see in-depth demonstrations by: Jennifer E. Fairman, CMI, FAMI will present A Place for Everything: Getting Organized with FileMaker Pro The Vesalius Trust for Visual Communication in the Health Sciences is proud to host this Vesalian Scholars’ Session devoted to student research in the areas of medical illustration and biomedical communication. The Trust is pleased to have awarded significant financial grants this year in support of these student projects, and we welcome each of the student presenters. In addition, we congratulate every Vesalius Trust grant applicant, and we wish all of this year’s biocommunication graduates success, five of whom will present the research done as part of their graduate studies: Participants will include: Fabian de Kok-Mercado, The Johns Hopkins University; Diana Kryski, The University of Toronto; Anneliese May Lilienthal, Medical College of Corbel, Georgia; and Satyen Tripathi, The Johns Hopkins University These award recipients will describe their research goals, problem-solving techniques and general methodology, including the use of traditional and innovative, computer-based techniques. Attendees will gain keen insight into the clinical, biomedical, and instructional design research currently being undertaken by medical illustration students in North America. This year the Vesalius Trust is expanding this opportunity so that participation by students isn’t limited to the time allotted to a concurrent session by adding a new Vesalius Trust Poster Session component to the program. The Vesalius Trust is excited to continue to bring to the AMI Continuing Education in the form of current an ongoing research, especially from those who are just entering the field, bringing with them the newest contributions to the disciplines of art, science, and technology. We look forward to giving students the opportunity to present in a formal professional setting, to share, collaborate, network, learn and contribute overall. ALL APPLICANTS are invited to participate in the poster session component. Applicants who would like to participate in this opportunity must be present at the meeting.
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July 15, 2005: Jespersen and Associates – Diabetes Illustrations
Fairman Studios is currently creating anatomical illustrations for a Duke University module on Diabetes, created by Jespersen and Associates, to be produced into both an online program and for print. The illustrations will include diagrams of how exercise breaks down glucose, progressive dysfunction of pancreatic beta cells in type 2 diabetes, and drug interaction mechanisms. |
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July 1 2008: WMR Bone Putty Illustrations created Details to come. |
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June 27 2008: Lumbar illustration created for Spineview Fairman Studios is creating a medical illustration showing Kambin’s safety triangle for Spineview’s clinical educational materials. |
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June 26 2008: University of Califonria, Irvine Department of Urology requests surgical illustrations for Journal article Fairman Studios is colloborating again with UCI Urology: surgical illustrations are being created for a medical paper for journal submission. 3 illustrations will show various steps of a surgical procedureof a modification of a radical prostatectomy. Various stages of the surgical anastomosis between the bladder and urethra will be shown. |
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June 16 2008: Inherited epidermolysis bullosa: This dermal disease is beyond skin deep – Editorial Art for July JAAPA issue The July issue of JAAPA will feature an article on Inherited epidermolysis bullosa, illustrated on the article. Inherited epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a rare skin disease that manifests as painful cutaneous erosions and blistering following minor skin trauma. Severe debilitation and pain can result when EB affects the gastrointestinal, oral/dental, ophthalmologic, musculoskeletal, and hematologic systems, as it may in patients with recessive autosomes and more severe disease. In the most severe cases, infection through open wounds and overwhelming sepsis can cause death at birth or shortly thereafter. EB affects males and females equally and occurs in approximately 20 live births per million in the United States. This is slightly greater than twice the disease’s estimated prevalence, and is consistent with the mortality rates seen in the many subtypes of EB. |
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June 4, 2008: Astellas and Amevive
Amevive mechanism illustrations were created for Astellas back in 2007, and continue to bring value to educating it’s patient audience. Amevive was the first biologic approved by the FDA for the treatment of moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis in adults who are candidates for systemic therapy or phototherapy. AMEVIVE is a prescription medication that is injected by your doctor (15 mg IM, into the muscle) once a week for a total of 12 doses. |
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May 21, 2008: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Fairman Studios will be creating several illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Outcome at Forty-five Years After Open Reduction and Innominate Osteotomy for Late-Presenting Developmental Dislocation of the Hip Background: A consecutive series of seventy-six patients (101 hips) underwent primary open reduction, capsulorrhaphy, and innominate osteotomy for late-presenting developmental dislocation of the hip. They were between 1.5 and five years old at the time of surgery, which was done between 1958 and 1965. The present study was designed to review the outcome of these patients into middle age. |
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May 20, 2008: Metamorphosis illustration used in the University of Delaware Botanic Gardens
Metamorphosis illustration to be used in University of Delaware Botanic Gardens outdoor educational sign. |
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May 15, 2008: Stent protoype illustration created for Dr. Marcelo Cardarelli at the Univeristy of Maryland School of Medicine
Stent illustration created for conference on new medical technology. |
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May 9, 2008: DFine Inc Illustrations for 3D Patient Chart Spine illustrations are created for DFIne Inc, a medical device company, developing a new technology to provide a precise means of delivering bone cement, and potentially other materials, to fractures of the spine in an effort to restore normal function of the spine. In addition to our StabiliT™ Vertebral Augmentation System, the company has developed StabiliT ER Bone Cement, a proprietary polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) formulation. Fairman Studios is assisting DFine in creating a 3D patient education flip chart teaching patients about the spine, osteoporisis and potential therapies for bone destabilization. |
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May 8, 2008: Illustrators Club Fourteenth Juried Exhibition – Opening.
The IC Exhibition features the best recent work of area illustrators, selected by a distinguished three-judge panel, and is held in a local art gallery, typically for 8 weeks, widely advertised and open to the public. The opening is coming up! Jennifer Fairman’s Systems of Pneumococcal Infection, (Certificate of Merit) created for the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Genetic Journey (Silver Award) will be displayed at the exhibition. The exhibition scheduled for May 8 through June 27, 2008, with an opening reception on May 8 from 6pm to 8:30 pm at PEPCO’s Edison Place Gallery, 701 9th Street, NW (enter on 8th Street, between G & H), Washington, DC 20068. |
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May 6, 2008: Arthroscopic Biceps Tenodesis Incorporated Into Rotator Cuff Repair Using Suture Anchors feature article to be illustrated on the June cover of Orthopedics. Slack Incorporated’s February issue of Orthopaedics will feature the article, Arthroscopic Biceps Tenodesis Incorporated Into Rotator Cuff Repair Using Suture Anchors, which will be featured on the cover. Cover artwork will be created by Fairman Studios. Biceps tendon disorders are commonly seen with rotator cuff tears. Biceps tenodesis may be combined with arthroscopic rotator cuff repair but can be technically difficult. This article describes a simple technique for arthroscopic biceps tenodesis incorporated into arthroscopic rotator cuff repair with suture anchors. This technique provides simple, cost-effective biceps tenodesis while avoiding additional hardware and incisions. |
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May 2, 2008: How Thick is Your Skin?
TwoXFour, an ad agency in Chicago, is running the Regional Award Show for the Chicago Creative Club (CCC) an ad community. TwoXFour has devised a fun “thick skin” theme idea for their “call for entries” mailer/posteras well as a their online registration. Prospective applicants can get the thickness of their skin measured. When the user fills out check boxes and submits their entry, a skin cross section will be displayed, and depending on their answer, the skin is thicker or thinner. Fairman Studios will be illustrating this concept for the CCC. |
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April 17, 2008: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Fairman Studios will be creating several illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Hallux Valgus and First Ray Mobility, A Prospective Study Background: There have been few prospective studies that have documented the outcome of surgical treatment of hallux valgus deformities. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of operative treatment of hallux valgus with use of a proximal crescentic osteotomy and distal soft-tissue repair on the first metatarsophalangeal joint. |
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April 1, 2008: Mag Mutual and Fairman Studios collaborate on ICD-9 Mag Mutual’s 2009 Physician ICD-9 Professional Coder’s Edition will be newly illustrated by Fairman Studios. The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (most commonly known by the abbreviation ICD) provides codes to classify diseases and a wide variety of signs, symptoms, abnormal findings, complaints, social circumstances and external causes of injury or disease. Every health condition can be assigned to a unique category and given a code, up to six characters long. Such categories can include a set of similar diseases. The International Classification of Diseases is published by the World Health Organization. The ICD is used world-wide for morbidity and mortality statistics, reimbursement systems and automated decision support in medicine. This system is designed to promote international comparability in the collection, processing, classification, and presentation of these statistics. The ICD is a core classification of the WHO Family of International Classifications The manual is fully updated each year and contains a number of features invaluable to coders including full-color anatomical plates by Fairman Studios with facing pages that relate that body system to relevant diagnosis codes. |
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March 24, 2008: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Fairman Studios will be creating several illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: The DUROM Cup Humeral Surface Replacement in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Background: Rheumatoid arthritis often leads to severe destruction of the glenohumeral joint, including synovitis and inflammation-induced alterations of the rotator cuff. Cup arthroplasty, or surface replacement of the shoulder, was introduced in the 1980s. The aim of this study was to evaluate the midterm results of the DUROM cup surface replacement for patients with rheumatoid arthritis affecting the glenohumeral joint. |
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March 23, 2008: Fairman Studios illustrates for the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Fairman Studios will be creating several illustrations for an article appearing in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: Femoral Nerve Block for Diaphyseal and Distal Femoral Fractures in the Emergency Department Background: Diaphyseal and distal femoral fractures are painful injuries that are frequently seen in patients requiring a traumawork-up in the hospitalemergency department prior to definitive management. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a femoral nerve block administered in the emergency department could provide better pain relief for patients with femoral fractures than currently used pain management practices |
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March 19, 2008: Illustrations created for Kyphon/Medtronic Surgical Guide
More illustrations are created for Kyphon, now a subsidiary of Medtronic. Balloon kyphoplasty has been shown to benefit patients with osteoporotic or cancer-induced VCF. Pain, functional and radiographic outcomes of care have been shown to be statistically superior to conventional non-surgical management. The procedure has been shown to significantly improve patient quality of life and ability to perform activities of daily living, as well as reduce the number of days lost to bedrest. Balloon kyphoplasty is a percutaneous procedure that can be performed inpatient or outpatient with little or no postoperative rehabilitation necessary. Patient satisfaction with the technique is excellent with little, if any, procedural discomfort. Balloon kyphoplasty has an excellent safety profile, with most studies demonstrating a very low rate of procedure-related adverse events. As of June 30, 2007 approximately 340,000 patients and 400,000 spinal fractures worldwide have been treated with balloon kyphoplasty. |
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March 8, 2008: Fairman Studios’ illustration of Complete Metamorphosis to be presented to Girl Scouts of America held at the Air and Space Museum Dr. Alma Solis and J. Marie Metz will present Fairman Studios’ illustration of Complete Metamorphosis at an event being held for the Girl Scout’s of Americaat the Air and Space Museum for 600-700 girl scouts on March 8th. The out reach event hopes to encourage young woman to become involved with science, math and engineering. The Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital are from the entire Greater Washington metropolitan area, including Washington, DC; the Maryland counties of Calvert, Charles, Frederick, Montgomery, Prince George’s and Saint Mary’s; the Virginia counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun and Prince William; and the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax and Falls Church. |
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March 5, 2008: Illustrators Club Fourteenth Juried Exhibition – Silver Award and Ceritificate of Merit Awarded.
The IC Exhibition features the best recent work of area illustrators, selected by a distinguished three-judge panel, and is held in a local art gallery, typically for 8 weeks, widely advertised and open to the public. Jennifer Fairman’s Systems of Pneumococcal Infection, (Certificate of Merit) created for the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Genetic Journey (Silver Award) will be displayed at the exhibition. The exhibition scheduled for May 8 through June 27, 2008, with an opening reception on May 8 at PEPCO’s Edison Place Gallery, 701 9th Street, NW (enter on 8th Street, between G & H), Washington, DC 20068. |
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March 3, 2008: d2Creative and Fairman Studios Collaborate
Fairman Studios is currently collaborating with D2 Creative, providing illustration services to educational modules currently in production. D2 Creative is an integrated communications agency comprised of accomplished artists, writers, producers, directors, designers, educators, strategists, and technologists. We provide Sales & Marketing and Training & Education solutions for global leaders in healthcare, technology, consumer products, financial services, and the entertainment industry. |
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February 22 2008: Kidney Stone feature article to be illustrated on the April cover of The Journal Family Practice. Dowden requests Fairman Studios to illustrate another cover for their publication, Journal of Family Practice. The upcoming April issue will feature an article describing Kidney stones. |
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February 20, 2008: Fairman Studios develops more illustrations for Surface Logix Surface Logix is a drug development company that creates new therapeutics by significantly improving the pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) properties of approved drugs and late stage compounds. Surface Logix uses its proprietary small molecule Pharmacomer™ Technology to chemically modify drugs and late stage compounds to create New Chemical Entities (NCEs) with improved bioavailability and tissue distribution profiles. |
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February 18 2008: Draftfcb collaboration with Fairman Studios to illustrate for Flector. Fairman Studios recently created 3 illustrations for Flector FLECTOR Patch is a prescription topical treatment for acute (short-term) pain due to minor strains, sprains, and contusions (bruises). Unlike an oral medication, the active ingredient in FLECTOR Patch is absorbed through the skin and goes directly to the site of pain rather than traveling through the stomach and digestive tract. When you apply a FLECTOR Patch to intact skin at the site of a minor strain, sprain, or bruise, it releases a drug called diclofenac epolamine. Diclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID), the same class of drugs that includes ibuprofen and naproxen. |
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January 30 2008: Common Dermatologic Mistakes One physician’s observations feature article to be illustrated on the March cover of Journal of Family Practice. Dowden requests Fairman Studios to illustrate another cover for their publication, Journal of Family Practice. The upcoming November issue will feature an article describing the 10 Common Derm Mistakes written by Gary N. Fox, a family practice academic with special interests in clinical decision making and in dermatology. Since September 2005, he has been in a multi-specialty group practice, with his practice limited to skin. Roughly half of his patient volume derives from physician referral and the other half from self-referral. The vast majority of patients have had some treatment for their chief complaint prior to arrival, either physician- or self-initiated. During the past couple years, he has diagnosed more than 1,000 skin malignancies. The article enumerates common dermatology “mistakes” that have been encountered during that period. The illustrated feature will show a lesion on the scalp frozen by dermatologist a few months earlier as a seborrheic keratosis, but the patient requests a second opinion. Pathologic diagnosis: BASAL CELL CARCINOMA. Note that texts that indicate BCCs never contain hair are flat out wrong. |
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January 29 2008: Modified Lapidus Procedure feature article to be illustrated on the February cover of Orthopedics. Slack Incorporated’s February issue of Orthopaedics will feature the article, The Modified Lapidus Procedure, which will be featured on the cover. Cover artwork will be created by Fairman Studios. This technique is valuable for providing a powerful and durable correction of metatarsus primus varus and hallux valgus, and careful attention to the details should help in achieving a successful outcome while avoiding complications. |
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January 19 2008: Journey to the Center of the Fold – The Genetic Journey receives kudos through Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Magazine.
“I loved the Spring 2007 centerfold, The Genetic Journey: Following DNA from Cell to Society.The graphic was thorough, enlightening and easy to follow. Kudos to its creators.”George Dellaportas, MD, DrPH ’70 |
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January 19 2008: Service Oriented Architecture: The Game designed at Fairman Studios. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that guides all aspects of creating and using business processes, packaged as services, throughout their lifecycle, as well as defining and provisioning the IT infrastructure that allows different applications to exchange data and participate in business processes loosely coupled from the operating systems and programming languages underlying those applications (Wikipedia). SOA represents a model in which functionality is decomposed into distinct units (services), which can be distributed over a network and can be combined together and reused to create business applications. These services communicate with each other by passing data from one service to another, or by coordinating an activity between two or more services. The concepts of service-oriented architecture are often seen as built upon, and the evolution of, the older concepts of distributed computing and modular programming.
To promote the world of SOA, Zapthink is acreating a new poster/board game that illustrates and educates users on the many facets of Service Oriented Architecture. Keep your eyes on Zapthink to obtain a copy opf this poster and play the game! |
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January 14 – February 22, 2008: 6th Annual IC Members Exhibition at the Art Institute of Washington, Arlington, VA, 2007 Jennifer’s work entitled The Genetic Journey, Following DNA from Cell to Societywill be featured in the 6th Annual IC Members Exhibition at the Art Institute of Washington, Arlington, VA, located in the First Floor Gallery, 1820 N. Fort Myer Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22209. The show will run December 3, 2007 – January 5, 2008. An artist’s reception will be held Thursday, December 6, 2008, 6:00 – 8:00 pm.The works in this exhibition will then be extended to Montgomery College – located at the CAT Gallery: Communication Arts Technologies Department 51 Mannakee Street, Rockville MD 20850. This second show will run January 14 – February 22, 2008. An artist’s reception will be held February 13, 2008, 6:30 – 8:00 pm. |
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January 9, 2008: Fairman Studios develops more illustrations for Surface Logix in Genetic Engineering News Surface Logix is a drug development company that creates new therapeutics by significantly improving the pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) properties of approved drugs and late stage compounds. Surface Logix uses its proprietary small molecule Pharmacomer™ Technology to chemically modify drugs and late stage compounds to create New Chemical Entities (NCEs) with improved bioavailability and tissue distribution profiles. |
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January 7, 2008: The Dana Organization Progress Report The Dana Foundation is a private philanthropy with principal interests in brain science, immunology, and arts education. Charles A. Dana, a New York State legislator, industrialist and philanthropist, was president of the Dana Foundation from 1950 to 1966 and actively shaped its programs and principles until his death in 1975. Dana.org serves as a gateway to brain information about the brain and current brain research, as well as links to validated sites related to more than 25 brain disorders. Fairman Studios is currently assisting the Dana Foundation by illustrating the Dana Foundation’s Annual Progress Report of the previous year’s advancements in Brain Research. Dana Press publishes books and news on health and popular science for the general reader and comments on recent books and news on its blog. It also publishes Cerebrum, an online journal of opinion with articles and book reviews exploring the impact of brain research on daily life and society. Other publications, distributed free, are for general readers, BrainWork, a bi-monthly newsletter, three periodicals reprinting news articles about the brain, immunology, and arts education, and several special publications for students and educators in those fields, as well as the Dana Foundation annual report and other materials from the foundation and the Dana Alliance. |
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January 4, 2008: HSS NYOTS LogoA new logo is in development at our studio: The Hospital for Special Surgery’s Orthopaedic Trauma Service is preparing to launch a new website and is in need of creating a new logo for the website and other electronic and print materials. OTS is also making a slight name change from the “Orthopaedic Trauma Service” to the “New York Orthopaedic Trauma Service”. Their branding will match this change by updating the look of their logo. Fairman Studios is currently assisting in this endeavor. |
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January 2, 2008: Egg Design and Fairman Studios collaborate on Philips Lifeline projectEgg Design and Fairman Studios collaborate on Philips Lifeline users manual for their CarePartner Basic Unit. Illustrations are being created for the Philips Lifeline users manual. Philips’ Lifeline personal medical alert service and equipment options make it easy to select the safety and convenience features that work best for you and your family. Lifeline’s advanced technology is ours alone, and every piece of equipment is assembled and tested by Lifeline here in the U.S. Philips is the creator of this basic speakerphone unit that works with the Lifeline Personal Help Button to provide protection to subscribers. The basic unit easily connects to any regular telephone. |
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December 31, 2007: WHAT A YEAR!!! Happy New Year and thanks again for another very successful year!! Fairman Studios is currently updating it’s “What’s New Section”. As can be seen by the entries already posted below, a lot of work has been done in 2007, and 2008 is already geared up to be another year filled with many interesting and exciting projects. More to come on our 2008 page, also being updated. |